Boletin informativo

RiverFLASH: 26 de febrero

Do you know if water from coal waste pits is in your river or drinking water?

Take action today!

You deserve to know if water from coal waste pits is pumped into nearby rivers and streams. But time is running out. HB 879 must pass the House by Wednesday, February 28. Send an email today to your legislators asking them to VOTE YES on HB 879 to notify communities when water from coal pits is pumped into nearby rivers, streams, lakes, and marshes.

Coal waste is toxic. The waste leftover from burning coal has toxic metals, like mercury and arsenic, and other dangerous chemicals. These chemicals become even more dangerous when they enter our water supplies.

Ask your legilsator to VOTE YES on HB 879!

D from 8:00-9:00am. ¡Regístrate ahora!

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