Protecting our water in Atlanta & Columbus; Film Festival on Saturday in Gainesville
Plan to Remove 1 Mile of Trees along Peachtree and
Tanyard Creeks
The Bobby Jones Golf Course Foundation has proposed to remove trees and plants in the state’s 25-foot buffer along one mile of Peachtree and Tanyard Creeks on their golf course redevelopment in Atlanta. The buffer is the protective area of trees and plants adjacent to the stream that filters pollutants, reduces the velocity of runoff, provides shade, habitat and more.
CRK strongly opposes the Foundation’s plan because removing these trees and plants along the streams would be detrimental to stream health and there are alternatives that could avoid these impacts. CRK’s detailed comments on the plan submitted to the state can be found aquí. We are committed to protecting Peachtree and Tanyard Creeks because of the important functions they serve within the larger river system and we are continuing to offer our expertise in discussions with the Foundation to ensure that these creeks are appropriately protected.
The Foundation began renovating its golf course in the Fall of 2017 and in the process has caused tremendous amounts of dirt to run off the site and pollute the creeks. Dirt (or sediment) is the number one pollutant in Georgia’s waterways, harming fish and wildlife habitat and degrading water quality for downstream users and property owners. This project has already cleared trees and vegetation from the city’s designated 75-foot protective stream buffer.
For news on this issue follow this link to the Saporta Report.
Columbus Utility Rejects State Effort to Improve Quality of Water
Columbus Water Works operates a permitted combined sewer system (CSS), which discharges partially treated sewage combined with stormwater when there is as little as 0.6 inches of rain. The discharges are sent directly into the Chattahoochee River in downtown Columbus near the recently constructed whitewater course, a wildly popular attraction that draws thousands of people each year to the riverfront. CRK is concerned that high levels of bacteria and chlorine from the CSS are harmful to public health, fish and wildlife, and water quality.
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has proposed a new, more protective permit with modern monitoring and treatment requirements to address the current problems. Columbus Water Works, however, is seeking to renegotiate the draft permit to weaken the proposed requirements. CRK supports EPD’s proposed permit and is sharing our findings with Columbus stakeholders. Read CRK’s comments to the EPD on the proposed permit aquí and follow this link for more information on the Columbus CSS permit.
Wild & Scenic Film Festival Saturday in Gainesville
Save money, buy your ticket to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival TODAY. haga clic aquí to buy your ticket for the 4th Annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival taking place Saturday, May 12 at 5:30pm the Brenau Downtown Center in Gainesville. Save $5 when you purchase an advance (online) ticket AND be entered for a chance to win 2 tickets to a Lake Lanier sunset cruise event on our Princesa Chota II. The film lineup includes adventure and environmental films that will inspire you to protect and enjoy the earth’s beauty. Help us to reduce waste by purchasing a souvenir glass for beer and other beverages when you buy your ticket online.