Comprométete con la salud del lago Lanier.
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper está trabajando para proteger este preciado recurso ahora y para las generaciones venideras.

Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s education and outreach efforts connect people of all ages and backgrounds to the river and Lake Lanier. By instilling a sense of value and understanding, CRK empowers people to be good stewards of their water resources. Since 2000, more than 100,000 students and teachers have experienced an award winning environmental education program aboard the Lake Lanier Aquatic Learning Center. The Lake Lanier Aquatic Learning Center is a collaboration between Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, Hall County Parks and Leisure, and Elachee Nature Science Center.
Más información
El río Chattahoochee y cientos de arroyos de más de 1,000 millas cuadradas desembocan en el lago Lanier. Estos cursos de agua llevan consigo contaminantes tales como nutrientes, sedimentos y basura en su camino. Chattahoochee Riverkeeper trabaja para reducir y eliminar los contaminantes en nuestras vías fluviales para que podamos disfrutar de agua limpia y abundante. Probamos la calidad del agua, llevamos a cabo investigaciones en el sitio e involucramos a voluntarios en la limpieza de basura para llevar a cabo este importante trabajo.
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Lake Lanier supplies drinking water for more than 5.5 million people. It also boasts $5 billion in economic impact to the region with 11 million visitors annually. Yet, the Chattahoochee River watershed is one of the smallest to serve a major metropolitan area. A growing population will continue to increase the demand for water supply. Water conservation and efficiency are essential tools that protect the natural and human environment and can lead to a sustainable future. This can have a positive effect on the Chattahoochee River’s communities and Lake Lanier.
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Un agradecimiento especial a los que apoyan este programa:
Lake Lanier Sustainer
- Cargill, Inc.
- The Herndon Family
Defensor del lago Lanier
- La ciudad de Gainesville
- Forsyth County
- Gwinnett County
Defensor del lago Lanier
- Cherry Street Brewing
- The Eidson Family
- NoFo Brew Co.
- Pilgrim’s Pride
- Bonny Putney
Conservador del lago Lanier
- David & Gail Chester
- The Maher Family
- Main Street Gainesville
- Northeast Georgia Health System
- The Runkle Family
Patrono del lago Lanier
- The Barton Family
- The Briggs Family
- The Brooksher Family
- The Burzotta Family
- Gainesville Flooring
- Gainesville Parks & Recreation Foundation
- Georgia Foothills Chapter of Trout Unlimited
- Sandy Goldman
- The Harris Family Charitable Fund
- Hettich America, L.P.
- Lenbrook Square Foundation
- The Mincey Family
- Monster Energy Company
- Mark Nestle
- Kary Nordholz
- North Georgia Label
- Smith, Gilliam, William & Miles, PA
Lake Lanier Friend
- Brenau Downtown Center
- Dani Burns, Keller Williams Lanier Partners
- The Gaines Family
- The Glenn Family
- Gnarly Marsh
- The Hall Family
- Hulsey, Oliver & Mahar, LLP
- The Korzeniewski Family
- The McCall Firm, LLC
- Milton Martin Toyota
- Modern Woodmen
- North Hall Earthworks, LLC
- John O’Sullivan
- The Ringwall Family
- Tire Barn Inc.
- Barbara Vlasz
Sé parte de la ecuación
$24 funds the testing of Neighborhood Water Watch Sample
$20 financia 20 libras de basura removida de la cuenca
$35 financia una beca para que un estudiante participe en el LLALC
$100 financia becas para tres estudiantes de escuelas de título I a bordo del LLALC
$500 financia un dispositivo de monitoreo CASSi
$1200 funds one Neighborhood Water Watch site for a year