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RiverLands Paddle Cleanup

March 8 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Event Details

Chattahoochee Riverkeeper is pleased to host this paddle cleanup in partnership with Chattahoochee Hills, Trust for Public Land, and Heard County Outfitters.

We will be paddling 5 miles from the New RiverLands Park to Moore’s Bridge south of Atlanta. This section has moderate moving water and is perfect for beginners and experienced paddlers.

Specific trip details will be emailed to you a week before to the trip date. During registration, participants can select to borrow a kayak/PFD/paddle or bring their own.

For planning purposes, we will meet at 8am, unload boats, then drive to the take-out. A shuttle van will return us to the put-in. We should conclude by 2-3pm.


Date / Time:

March 8 @ 8:00 am 2:00 pm

Event Category:



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