Violations should first be reported to the local government if the local government is certified as a local issuing authority (LIA).
Follow the steps below to determine how and to whom to report violations.
Step 1. Determine Jurisdiction
Locate which jurisdiction (city limits or unincorporated county) the site lies within using Google Maps.
Step 2. Determine LIA Status
Determine whether or not the local government is certified as a Local Issuing Authority (LIA). Click the button below to determine whether or not the local government is certified as an issuing authority. Open the downloaded spreadsheet, find the appropriate local government, and determine LIA status.
If the local government is a Local Issuing Authority, report the problem directly to the LIA.
Your local Riverkeeper can also help report the problem to the correct authority.
Report to Local Issuing Authority
If the local government is certified as a local issuing authority, use the contact information provided in the spreadsheet to report the violation.
When reporting violations, we suggest that you call first and explain what the problem is. Then ask for the email address of the contact and follow up with an email that summarizes the phone call or message and attach photos.
Report to local riverkeeper
Need more help?
If the local government fails to adequately resolve the situation, further complaints can be filed with the GA EPD District Office and/or the local Soil and Water Conservation District to help resolve the issue.
Types of Enforcement
Notice of Violation
- Issued by LIA, but EPD can also issue
- For first and second violations, violator has five days to “correct;” If not corrected, the LIA or EPD shall issue a stop work order
- For third violation, LIA or EPD shall issue a stop work order

Mandatory Stop Work Orders
- Land disturbance without a permit (no NOI)
- Significant sediment discharged to waters
- Encroachment in stream buffer without a variance
- BMPs not properly designed, installed
and/or maintained

Learn more about the laws and permits governing land disturbing activities.
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