What do our trash traps really trap? Chattahoochee Riverkeeper takes a deep dive into the effectiveness of in-stream Litter Gitters

Nearly everyone that has ventured into our region’s recreational areas has noticed a bit of trash around trails and parking lots; but what many fail to realize is that trash…

Unusual legislative session yields victories for Georgia’s environment

Each year, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper joins its partners in the Georgia Water Coalition (GWC) to advocate for Georgia’s waterways before the Georgia General Assembly. We spend time at the Capitol advocating…

Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Solves Sediment Pollution of Oseligee Creek

In October of 2018, during a routine drone flyover of the Chattahoochee River, CRK staff  noticed something unusual in Oseligee Creek, just northwest of West Point, Ga. A large plume…

On the lake with Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

After weeks of being cooped up inside during the initial onset of the global pandemic, Headwaters Director Dale Caldwell took advantage of a beautiful spring day to get out on…

The Future of the Water Wars: Spring 2020 Update and CRK’s Take

For 30 years, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida have fought over the use of water in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin (ACF), which is heavily influenced by the U.S. Army Corps of…

On Patrol: Our Programs at Work

While CRK’s group cleanups and public events are postponed, staff is still busy collecting water samples, picking up litter, and holding polluters accountable. Here are four programmatic projects undertaken in…

Clean Water Keeps People Healthy, so We’re Still Hard at Work.

Like people across the world, CRK is closely monitoring the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. While we’ve instituted teleworking for our staff, postponed our annual Sweep the Hooch cleanup to…

Three Dams on the Chattahoochee to be Removed

In late 2018, Southern Company and Georgia Power announced plans to surrender their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission licenses to generate hydropower at the Langdale, Crow Hop and Riverview dams on…

North Fulton County Launches Major Sewage Projects

For years, residents along Azalea Drive and Riverside Road in North Fulton County have anxiously watched the weather. Heavy rains in the area have meant sewage spills along Big Creek…

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